First Scottish Searching Services are the preferred partner to exclusively promote searching services to Harper Macleod HM Connect members.

HM Connect is a referral and support network for high street and rural law firms which operates via Harper Macleod offering its full complement of legal services and expertise to such law firms on a fee-sharing, non-client poaching basis. HM Connect has over 300 member firms located throughout Scotland.

ConnectExtra is a carefully selected group of specialist businesses who either provide ancillary and support services to the legal profession or have a lifestyle offering that will be the perfect fit for HM Connect firms and their clients on a zero commission basis, and with the intention of passing on the maximum benefit available.

First Scottish Searching Services is Scotland’s leading independent firm of searchers delivering a comprehensive list of fast and accurate search services.

With over 30 years’ experience and covering the whole of Scotland, it delivers high quality, cost effective reports supplying information to over 1000 Firms.

Best known for its title reporting and property enquiry certificates, First Scottish also offers services in areas such as plans, title investigation/rectification, AML compliance, environmental, flood and mining reports.

Order Centre at

For Member firms

Portfolio discounts on multiple requests (10 or more) from the same client.

Free in house CPD seminars on a range of topics.

Access for advice to Searchers, plans, sales and customer support teams, many with over 20 years industry experience.

Preferential rates from First Scottish Document Management which offers:

Scanning service in various digital formats with 24/7 access via a secure web portal.

Secure conventional storage for documents, with low cost retrieval.

Contacts: Lorna Innes

David Adamson


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